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Re: Black Rat Snake

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Posted by conservationist on April 16, 2003 at 12:37:52:

In Reply to: Black Rat Snake posted by guarinomatt on April 16, 2003 at 10:59:01:

I would not release it, after it has been in captivity for this long, for it could harbor parasites/pathogens that it received from humans, that could possibly be spread out in the wild, and possibly harm other creatures in the wild.

Find a trusted reptile rescue or individual to adopt it out to, if it's docile. If it's not docile, maybe a breeder needs new bloodlines for his/her breeding project, and this could possibly save one more wild black rat snake, that a breeder may want to collect for breeding purposes. Who knows. It may be het for some fantastic, previously-undiscovered new morph. LOL....

Anyway, it sounds like you really care for reptiles, like we do. We are also pleased to hear about reptile rescues!

:I having been caring for an injured black rat snake since late September. I found it in my yard in Connecticut, it had a mouth injury and was disoriented. Looked like a dog or cat bit it. It has since healed well and even taken to eating frozen fuzzy-mice. It is about 24 inches long. I did not set it up for hibernation, as it hadn't eaten between September and December. My question is: Does anyone know if it will be alright to release it now that the weather is warm or will it no longer be able to survive on its own?

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