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Were to find rat snakes in the wild?

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Posted by boaboy13 on April 05, 2003 at 17:09:48:

Hey all, I live on a farm in the middle of no were in the bluegrass/knobs reagon of kentucky. And last year I cought around 100 queen snakes and garter snakes, and only 3 milk snakes, and about 3 rat snakes. And about 7 northern water snakes. But am I looking in the roung places? Most of our farm (50 ac) is wooded, and about 20-25 ac are fealds we dont mow. I have been looking under barn roofing that I have put down on alot of places, and in side and under logs, fallen trees, in trees, and on the ground. I spend alot of time when ever I have it and go herping. But we also know a lot of farmers around us, and they let me go on there land to. But on spot I go alot is a really steap wooded hill going down to the creak, no one every go's down to it, and seems like the best place for any snake, there tuns of out hanging rock, small watter falls, and alot of logs. But I have ever let to find any thing but bees down there, and I cought a baby milk snake swimming one time when I was canoing. Well if you all have any advice it would help alot!
Well thanks,

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