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Posted by patricia sherman on March 21, 2003 at 17:29:22:

In Reply to: Re: Hi posted by ladyci on March 21, 2003 at 11:17:10:

something else i forgot. the male(Hercles)is about 8 and a half feet long

If he's really that long, then he's a very large specimen. My 16-yr-old black male is 7.5-ft, and the female is 5.8-ft. These two are still reproducing.

Obsoletas can live to 30-yrs or more, with the record being close to 40. The record length is about 9-ft. If your estimated length for your male is correct, then I'd say he's at least 12 years old, and is certainly approaching record length.

and Zena is about 6and a half.

A very large size for a female.

Zena is a light grey background with a dark greyish brown blotches where Herc is almost uniformly grey with 4 slightly darker stripes running the length of his body.

Her colour, as you describe it, is more like a grey rat. The greys are rather smaller than the yellows.

Something else i was a little curious about is that they are both really active during the daylight hours nlike my corns. Is that a normal time of day for them to be so active or is it a sign of stress?

Generally, they're crepuscular. Much like corns. They do tend to be a bit more active than corns, but still they should be spending most of the daylight hours sleeping. They may be stressed by the new environment, or they may be hungry.


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