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Re: Kestrel, can you answer some questions please..

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Posted by Kestrel on March 18, 2003 at 02:42:29:

In Reply to: Re: Kestrel, can you answer some questions please.. posted by markg on March 18, 2003 at 01:06:34:

You mean beauties in generally, or just Taiwans? Taiwans are my favorites, most definatly. They're large size makes them very impressive animals. My taiwans are the most laid back, bomb proof, dog tame snakes i own. But then thats just probably because of the very constant handling they've had since they were hatchlings, being part of Outreaches, manhandled by kids, etc etc. Although they do seem to be the more laid back IMO. Cave Beauties and Blues seem to be the more high strung and aggressive ssp. Both my new Blue and my ridleyi are pretty tempermental, and from what i hear from everyone else, thats the norm for those guys. I'm not too sure about the others.. Chinese, Yunnans, Moquards and such as i've never kept them. I do have one tiny baby chinese beauty now, and so far its been pretty inoffensive. As far as keeping go, they're the simplest herps i have to keep as well. I keep them at room temp with no heat sources, in a large cage with hides, branches and a large water bowl or tub. Room temp is usually around 75 to 80 in here during the day, and they've always thrived. Generally though they require it to be on the cool side.

:All these pics of Taiwans.. boy are they handsome snakes. Do you keep them at "normal colubrid temps" or warmer/cooler? Also, how are they temperament-wise? I hear conflicting info at times. Thanks. - Mark

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