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Re: Lidless rack system for Gonyosoma (pic)

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Posted by SRX on March 07, 2003 at 15:56:50:

In Reply to: Lidless rack system for Gonyosoma (pic) posted by chris_harper2 on March 07, 2003 at 10:52:38:

In regards to the PVC perches, the straight "stick" is pretty much useless with any species, even GTP''s. It rolls/rotates and has no other branches or forks that give snakes support.

I use PVC with ALL of my arboreal snakes, but not just straight across. You can use four "T" joints and make a free-standing "H" with an extra cross bar. This way, the perch is removable and easy to disinfect. If you have skinny species, you can cap off the ends with the corresponding diameter PVC cap. This is a good idea. I had to cap all of my PVC after having to dismantle 4 "double H" configurations with Amethystine pythons woven throughout!

I use 1/2" PVC perches in the "H" shape with an extra cross bar for smaller boxes/neos-yearlings. I use 3/4" PVC for boxes similar in size to your quarantine boxes in the "H" shape with 2 extra cross bars. With my Amethystines, I use both 1 1/2" and 2" diameter PVC in a standard "double H" shape.

This way you can use these them to lean from the bottom corner of one side of the box to the opposing upper corner(diagonally). It does take a little back and forth measuring between the saw and the box, but after you have the first one done, the rest should be production work.

I'll try and email you a pic or sketch of what I am talking about. My oxycephala and jansens both utilize this type of perch.

Take it easy,

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