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Posted by alex on March 04, 2003 at 17:22:06:

In Reply to: For a copy of the article posted by Matt Campbell on March 04, 2003 at 14:21:55:

I live in Canada, and no university in Canada carries it. Only 8 universities in the States carry it, so it's a wee bit tricky to get. If you have a university library card, you may be able to get an interlibrary loan.

Apparently the Russian Herp J. is not as popular as some other journals :)

I was able to make a photocopy from the journal at my local university science library. If any of you would like a copy of the article I would suggest checking with your local universities first to see if they carry The Russian Journal of Herpetology. If you can't find it locally email me personally and I'll see if I can create an OCR copy to email to you or we could make some arrangement for me to send you a photocopy. I too found the article very interesting and think splitting up the genus has been needed for a long time. When you really start looking at ratsnake from around the world you begin to see how truly different many of them are. The Russian Journal of Herpetology also published an article further back that did some genera-splitting based on visceral organ topography. It was a sort of precursor to the DNA based article that was just published last year. I have a copy of that one as well if any of you are interested.

:Matt Campbell

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