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Re: Now hold on....

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Posted by gofer on January 31, 2003 at 10:56:56:

In Reply to: Now hold on.... posted by Shaky on January 31, 2003 at 06:47:23:

Hello, I know what your talking about with the albino bairdi not being true bairdi, or only a European line. But before I bought this male and the hets I talked it over with a few of the large well-known breeders and they told me these were legit, and that Todd was a reputable and nice guy to deal with. I agree, Todd is very nice, and I'm sure this guy is the real deal. I also bought a triple het Trans pecos Rat from him, which did come from European lines. So now that you bring that up, he may very well be European. Not sure though, I just thought he was amazing looking, so I bought him. Thanks for the great comments on this guy and the possibly hypo bairdi, I hope that breeds true, and I hope this helps a little with the mystery of my albino. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I would like to know as much as possible about these albino's also. That is the main reason I posted him, I figured someone here would know about them.
Thanks again, and have a good day.
Gregg F.

:There were several discussions on the albino Bairdi last year, but no one could produce pictures, and all that was known is that "somebody, maybe in Europe" had claimed to produce these. In any case, the claim was benerally believed to be either bogus or the Bairdi were crossed with black rat to introduce the amel recessive.
:Suddenly here you are with really beautiful perfect amels that look 100%.
:We need background and history. I'm pretty sure I wont be the only one who is taken aback by this.
:Thanks a bunch.
:BTW, the one that you call "possible hypo" is amazing.

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