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Re: good 'eyes' my friend....

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Posted by Dwight Good on January 25, 2003 at 11:36:42:

In Reply to: Re: good 'eyes' my friend.... posted by Jaybauer on January 24, 2003 at 23:19:38:

:How does she act in her cage? Does she just sit out in the open? Does she know when you are going to pick her up or does she have no clue. I would love to just watch this snake's habits for a few hours.

She is housed in a shoebox with a paper towel substrate and an 8 oz deli cup for a water bowl. She spends most of her time either curled under the back edge of the paper towel on the hot end, or lazily draped along the upper rim of her water bowl. She is almost always in one place or the other. As for her behaviour, sometimes if she is hanging on the water bowl when I pull her cage out she will crawl upward toward the ceiling as if she is following the light source. But once I drop in a couple of pinkies and put the cage back, she immediately sniffs them out and devours them. When she is held, she acts like a normal rat snake but occasionally crawls straight up towards the lights like I mentioned above.

She is a cool snake and actually quite mellow compared to some of her siblings, lol.

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