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Re: background on rusties

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Posted by Dwight Good on January 14, 2003 at 00:30:13:

In Reply to: background on rusties posted by dewey on January 13, 2003 at 22:10:37:

Thanks Dewey, I was told the original rusty rats came from Baltimore County. Harford County is adjacent to Baltimore Co, so it is possible that rusties could have been found in both, or perhaps somewhere near the border of each. Maybe someone else knows more info?

I'm keeping my ear to the ground in regards to Andre's work with the rusty rats. Last year (or the year before?) he told me about some interesting breeding results, I hope he has more news this year. I also know Derek B of Atlantic Reptile Co is working with rusty rats too (or was) maybe he will have more info, especially in regards to breeding results over the years.

I was going to type out a big long response but I think the whole rusty and leucistic black rat deal has been totally beaten into the ground over the last 4-5 years, hehe. Don't want to get all that mess started again. KJ if you read this maybe you can give your opinions on rusty and leucistic black rats?? LOL. I know you were around 5-6 years ago when all those Texas X black rat crosses were floating around on the classifieds. Wonder what become of all those little buggers??

Later y'all,

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