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Red blood? a few questions...

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Posted by peregrinefalcon on May 05, 2003 at 17:07:52:

In Reply to: Red blood? a few questions... posted by meretseger on May 04, 2003 at 16:03:52:

The coloring and pattern both pretty much tell me that it is a blood python, but the sure way to tell is look at the scales beneath the eyes. If the eye is touching the lip scales then it is a blood python, if there is a small row of scales in between then it is either a Borneo or Sumatran short-tailed python. And yes, there is a very good chance that she will turn red, most blood pythons do. The other more rare colors are orange, yellow and brown. Borneos have no chance of turning red. Here is a pic showing the scales so you can compare it with yours....

This one is a blood python (mine!) :) And I know what you mean about them in the water! Scared the crap out of me when she first did it lol.
Hope this helps you out,

:Very curious. Is it the coloring that makes her a red blood for sure or the head scalation? It's strange because I had my heart set on a red blood, and then I saw this one and I really liked her even though she was a 'Borneo', and now it turns out she's a red blood? I hope she turns red!
:She will sit dead still on a lap for any length of time, which I've never had a snake do before. She completely freaked out when I tried to soak her, though, so I know she's not just lethargic!

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