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Posted by BrianSmith on May 04, 2003 at 19:57:21:

In Reply to: Should I feed my baby retic in his enclosure or out? posted by peterfromme on May 04, 2003 at 08:13:45:

When they are small it might SEEM like a good idea to feed in a seperate enclosure, but as they become quite large this would put you directly in danger. The reasons most people feed in seperate cages is so that the snake can differentiate between your actions of opening it's cage for whatever reasons,. and opening it to feed him. But this is kind of moot as one still has to open the door to get him out. But there are other things one can do to better decrease the chances of a feeding response directed at them. Once my retics top 8 or 9 feet and the feeding response means 4 feet of python hovering out toward my face, I begin taking different measures when entering their cages. First of all,... even though every day of the week involves the feeding of several high priority snakes, there is one particular day of the week that I try to make sure that everyone eats. I call this day, "Feeding Friday". (Yes I name my days to better maintain a smooth running system) Anyhow, on Feeding Friday we (my wife and I) don't mind the feeding responses one bit and even want them. It makes for a faster feed. But on any other day (Milk Snake Monday, Water change Wednesday, Tap Tub Thursday, Super Bowl Sunday [tuesdays and saturdays are days off]) we sometimes will nibble a little bit of raw garlic and as we open a cage we simply blow our awful breath at the snake. They instantly understand that it is something other than a feeding time and turn around. Onion would work well too, or anything with a strong odor. Actually, even plain breath works, just not as instantaneously as the odoriferous agents. I hope this can help you in some way.


:I've seen several post with people feeding their pythons within a separate "feeding enclosure." I have a few questions, regarding this approach.
:1)What are the advantages of feeding my retic within a separate "feeding enslosure?"

:2)Is ther any disadvantages of feeding my retic within the enclosure that I house them in?

:3)At what age should I feed my retic within a separate feeding enclosure?
:Peter F.

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