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oh.....just proved it so shut up....(here)

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Posted by FC on July 03, 2002 at 13:03:08:

In Reply to: Prove it! posted by Keith on July 03, 2002 at 11:56:12:

: Spike, DON'T give others bad advice. I have a nice plot of oceanfront property I'll sell you if you're that convinced that you have a captive born savannah. Because someone has a male and a female, does not mean that they have hatched eggs. Prove me wrong, show me some eggs in the incubator, that's fine, but don't tell this poor kid that he's going to get a captive born savannah, because there are very, very few, if any, available.

: And, take into consideration where he is. He is in Canada. Do you realize that you simply cannot just ship a live animal into Canada? It requires much more than that.

: Again, you're learning on this forum quickly, but you're also mis-leading people when you step in to reply to posts. There is a reason that they don't get replies from the more experienced keepers, because their questions are either very basic, or they want to do something that is just silly. You are not an authority on savannah monitors just because you have one. And, the savannah monitor is one of the worst choices for a first-timer. By now you should know that.

i've seen pics of all his monitors and his savannah couple mating with each otherhow do i know they're C.B.B. and not just CB, simple i've seen pics of them growing up, and seen pics of his other monitors mating and growing up and such, so don't put your nose in stuff it doesn't belong in!!!!!

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