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boo to mold-more

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Posted by h0mersimps0n on May 06, 2003 at 21:05:59:

In Reply to: Mold on egg posted by geeboo on May 06, 2003 at 18:36:01:

Keeping my eye on 15 corn eggs and 3 leo eggs and in the few months I've been watching and taking care of them I've decided that if your incubating substrate is not too wet (i.e. you can't ring out water if you squeeze it between your fingers- AND the covering paper towel isn't soaked/slimy but a nice moist texture) and the eggs get moldy they're probably no good and it's, sadly, hopeless.

I had four corn slugs that went moldy like clockwork. My leo eggs were less like clock work and came out looking great but no matter how carefully I took care of the humidity and listerined the mold, it wasn't meant to be.

just my novice observations

:mold usually does not form on good eggs but try some foot powder. Like for athletes foot or a little listerine on a q-tip.


::Hi everyone. I'm hoping to get some info from you guys. I'm breeding one of my females for the first time this year and so far I have 4 eggs. THe first two I'm not sure if they are fertile but it's been a month and they haven't gone bad but it's hard to tell if they've got veins either. The second clutch came out a little pointier shaped on the ends and a little dented compared to the first but since I've been incubating they have firmed up.

::I'm using a hovabator with 75% humidity. The eggs are all in one delicup with a mix of vermic/sand/perlite as the medium, although I'm thinking of switching to all perlite and separating the eggs into their own cups. I'm incubating between 81-83 degrees.

::Anywho, one of the eggs from the second clutch keeps getting mold on it in this one spot. I keep rubbing it off gently with a moist q-tip but it keeps coming back. Is there anything I can do? I've heard you can use bleach to kill the mold but it sounds risky and I want to know exactly how to do it before I try. I am pretty sure it is still fertile. Thanks for your advice in advance.


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