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sounds like a chance at a good deal...

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Posted by erik w on November 25, 2002 at 00:18:34:

In Reply to: He sounds up front, yeah, why not? posted by Rick on November 24, 2002 at 16:24:25:

if you know what you are doing, this could be a couple of cheap leos. sure, they have been abused; i have a whole collection of animals that were abused at some point, and have fallen into my, i havent paid for any, but that wouldnt stop me if it made a difference. this COULD be a chance for someone to get leos that are higher quality than you think, or perhaps a chance to get a couple half-dead "worthless" leos. at least this guy isnt calling them "perfect." you would be amazed at what passes for "perfect" these days.

i think it is fairly obvious that this person has no interest in acquiring or selling more leos. come to think of it, my latest project is a similar story, with a guy who's primary interest was not the animals he was selling...needless to say, his "perfect" was off in left field somewhere. after three weeks, they are doing well and look 75% better. i expect them to make a full recovery, despite being sold by someone who was not caring for them according the standard of care.


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