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Re: pet stores (HS/SPCA)

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Posted by Katrina on April 11, 2003 at 23:38:24:

In Reply to: pet stores posted by GaiasPriestess on April 01, 2003 at 23:32:25:

Please remember that local and national humane societies and SPCAs are NOT interconnected! Your local HS or SPCA is NOT a part of a national group. Each one is different and has their own rules and their own way of running things. Think of them like herp societies - the MD Herp Society isn't connected with herp society in DE. Some of these groups have their own shelters and/or run the local animal controls, others are simply a group of volunteers that foster animals in their homes and have no central facilities.

Many of the HS/SPCAs in MD do help reptiles - they will allow release if applicable (which is rarely) or adopt out if a good home can be found.

For an animal about to be released illegally, consider contacting the state wildlife agency AND the animal control and/or humane society. In some states it is illegal to abandon any pet (which would come under animal control) in addition to the state wildlife laws.


"The SPCA won't do sh!t about reptiles, and PETA would just as soon kill them as have them live in captivity. If talking to the head honchos of the stores doesn't work, you may be able to try a herp society or Animal Control. I think I'm going down to the Fish and Wildlife building tomorrow to talk to them about this guy and the turtles. Good luck.

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