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Re: wording and wording of keeping REPTILES....

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Posted by mchambers on January 27, 2003 at 17:38:57:

In Reply to: Re: both sides of the fence...i still think it's going to .. posted by Samcin on January 26, 2003 at 14:19:32:

and reptiles only: at this time we ( 2 insurance companies of the midwest ) has determined that it is against our policy and our company,s headquarters written policy to insure homeowners with policy to residents keeping reptiles due to the knowledge of transmitable salmomella bacteria from these animals. done.
After talking to representatives of these companies they were downright narrow minded for ANY amendents what-so-ever. This included any umbrella and or sub-clause for the allowance. And yes they don't knowingly insure homeowners with ceratin breed of dogs and other animals. They also refrain from certain livestock in certain parts of country. Or in other words, you had better be out in country and not city or township and be ready to classify a domestic animal versus livestock and or wild. My own circumstances at this time is to STICK with the company that i have but they have on a revised policy writing that no dart frogs will be included on domestic animals. YES, I was just as flabergasted as some of you readers of this post is on the above. WHY on earth would they have a clause on dart frogs for ? Now since my agent knows of my snake keeping including venomous, what would happen if an accident did happen ? Wonder how much trouble he or she would be in knowing that I have never signed a waiver or anything to the keeping of these animals ?
On the poster thing put out by PIJAC. I know it's old news but it wasn't a forced situation going by what I read. And here again, who will be checking out them petstores for the posting of this information ? That's what I'm getting at . Like you said poster ?

m chambers

:This is old info. There aren't many copies of that salmonella poster left. The pet stores won't use it. It is we who do education who use it.

:What policies are you referring to when you talk about salmonella wording?

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