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Re: Not all Good

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Posted by SSCHIND on January 13, 2003 at 23:56:44:

In Reply to: Not all Good posted by Crimsonwolf1313 on January 04, 2003 at 17:53:40:

" Also Private breeders always talk to new byers about the care of their new pet. "

Not at the expos I attend. You fork over your bucks and the private breeders hand over the animal. Yes, most of them will answer any questions you ask, but very few will volunteer info. If you don't ask they assume you know. I love it how everyone automatically assumes that private breeders are better sources for reptile than pet shops. Many times they are, but I know a few private breeders who really couldn't give a rats behind who they sell their animals to. Most of the reptiles in my store come from private breeders. The difference in some cases is that I hold on to them and make sure they are eating well before I sell them, unlike the private breeders who dump them a day after they are born because it takes to much time and money to actually raise them up to a size where they will be more likely to survive.

Also, as a buyer what's so hard about asking how to care for an animal. I get customers every day that come in and look for a while then say I'll take that one" and don't even bother to ask any questions at all. Or they will look for a while, pick one out, and than say something like "I can keep this with my iguana right?" Or the ones who ignore any advice and then get upset when you won't sell them the green anole that they want to keep with their veiled chameleon because "my uncle kept one with his chameleon for 3 days before it got out of the cage. It must have gotten out because we never found it."

The law is not a bad one, it just is not well thought out. It ignores the bigger picture which is inferior pet shops and vendors. The good shops which already provide the information (be it through written care sheets or oral instruction)will have an added burden placed on them with the threat of a fine if they fail. The bad shops will simply automatically hand out a sheet of paper and leave it at that. It may even give them an excuse to know even less about the animals they have since they won't have to answer any questions, they can just refer to the sheet.

Last thing, Where will these sheets come from, what kind of info will be required. We have all seen good care sheets and bad ones. Who will determine whether or not the care sheets provided are actually providing information that will help the new owner care for their new pet.

just a few thoughts

Steve Schindler

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