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Re: AND Kevin what gets me is.....

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Posted by mchambers on January 06, 2003 at 12:09:17:

In Reply to: Re: SNAKES ON TV SHOW FEAR FACTOR! Let's set aside the .... posted by klorentz on January 05, 2003 at 00:30:34:

these laws of mis-handling and abuse towards animals in films has been around for the better part of 50 - 60 years or maybe back even farther. Watch the classic " TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE" with Bogart. At the end of movie there is the NO AMIMALS WERE HARMED IN MAKING THIS MOVIE clause relating to the GILA MONSTER scene and probably the horses and mules in this movie. My gosh it seems that the reality shows are above this standard.

M Chambers

: Hi Mike ,

: The AHA has been working at putting a stop to it . However they keep hitting a road block ( the Producers ) . They are still trying but it has been a long slow process . When the AHA first contacted NBC and the Producers of Fear Factor they defiantly said they would do it again this season ( as many of you have seen ) . NBC seems to care only about raitings and not the welfare of the animals . If such where not the case they would have gotten after the producers about this abomination .

: Also I have sent a letter to them regarding NBC and Fear Factor . I have asked their permission to post their reply and hope to have updates within a few days as their office is only open during the week . I also told them alot of us would be willing to join a campaign to end the abuse on Fear Factor .

: Kevin

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