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some very TRUE questions asked at me at a event...

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Posted by mchambers on October 09, 2002 at 09:39:26:

of my township. I do a snake exhibit plus a hands on lecture of snakes that also includes rattlesnakes when we have a 3 day event of my local city. While I was doing the live demostration I had mentioned that i have a permit for native species but added that I cannot keep a timber rattlesnake because of the sinc status and mainly so locals would know the difference between a timber and a bull snake out here in Kansas. I was repetedly asked how does one know of these laws when they are not common knowledge ? Especially if one wants to keep a native specie and or. I found that most average person ( s ) have no idea that they are in fact breaking ANY law. Let's go farther on this...I also found that most people have no idea what they are in for insurance wise, homeowner/medical ( infraction as i have related before on other post ) if they are bitten by a venomus snake and or come down with slamonella ( them or familly ) while keeping a reptile venomous or not as a pet. When I moved to this city ( but i live outside the city limits of course at this time )I wasn't hit by any infornmation on pets and or animals. Sooooo...

Mike ( Chambo ) Chambers

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