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Just a Brooksi...........

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Posted by BrettsPets on May 08, 2003 at 13:53:23:

In Reply to: Just a Brooksi........... posted by Brandon Osborne on May 08, 2003 at 13:33:58:

Wow! Great Job! Sound like a great year! The womas are doing ok. I have lost a few but I should hopefully still get about 5-7. If I can get one to hatch I will be happy. I am thinking that next year will be much better. It was their year and they started late. Thanks for the advice on the greyband eggs. Time will tell. I hope they hatch since my adults do not have any red on them so it would be interesting to see what hatches. I am hoping to get eggs from my western hogs and my hondurans soon. They are both HUGE. I will keep you posted and good luck!

:Thanks Brett. How are the woma eggs coming along? Good I hope. I only have one little chondro not eating yet. The others are doing great. As of today, I have over 70 eggs from my kings, and 4 or 5 more females to lay their first clutches......a couple of females that routinely lay 14-20 eggs each. It's been a while since I've double clutched anything, but this may be the year. All of my animals look better than ever. Thanks again and good luck with the womas.

:Brandon Osborne

:: I love that male! I am still kicking myself for selling mine a few years ago!

::Take care and good luck!

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