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Of course, get a vet, pronto and-

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Posted by girlzilla on April 25, 2003 at 14:06:55:

In Reply to: Injured baby, advice? posted by mobrz on April 25, 2003 at 13:02:34:

-most likely, that tail will have to go. It looks very bad. If it's almost severed, blood is not flowing to the flesh, and it may become gangrenous. Anyway, an open bleeding wound like that is likely to become infected. I used Neosporin, too, when Bud tore out a claw, (I use the kind with mild pain killer in it, I'm not sure if that is okay but it seemed to calm him down a lot) and aside from applying it, I would say your instincts to not pick him up are right, if that causes the tail to bleed. The problem with bleeding from such a big wound is that you can't just use a styptic pencil on it, like for a nail. It's too painful... I don't even know that I would give him a bath until he saw the vet.

Get him to a vet. They may be able to save his tail, if he gets there soon enough.

Try the yogurt and fruit blended with veggies, and blend it very fine. I agree about the crickets, I would get him off of them as soon as possible. The yogurt is especially good, in small doses, because he may (as my iguana did) eat some Neosporin, and I'm almost sure the vet will give him antibiotics. Those are so harsh for an ig! Even with just eating some Neosporin, Bud's poop was kind of watery and weird looking sometimes. Maybe try dropper feeding him some slushy slurry? Feed very slow, one drop at a time so he doesn't breathe the food in. Mist him a LOT, keep him nice and warm... Sounds like you know what you're doing. That little baby is adorable. He's lucky you found him.

Is he pooping? What are his enclosure temps? This is very bad, but if you want to give him a treat, and he's pooping normally, and you just HAVE to see him eat, try a tiny piece of soft bread. Bud will do anything for bread. Whole grain, though.

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