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Re: Iguana died and I'm looking for answers

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Posted by visualsun on April 14, 2003 at 19:48:02:

In Reply to: Re: Iguana died and I'm looking for answers posted by zelda on April 14, 2003 at 10:22:08:

The Iguanas are free roamers and seldom are seen together. The iguana was eating just fine. The Biotize is to break down any wastes the iguanas excrete into the water and the aquatize is supposed to condition my water since its hard and has chlorine.

:Were these animals housed together? are they babies? do they have the proper temps and UVB? What in the world is Biotize wast
:degrader and Aquatize water conditioner? Never heard of them. My igs get tap water did you bring any of them to the vet for a checkup or fecal sample to check for parasites? If they were housed together you would have had to watch them constantly to see if they were all eating, usually older animals have a hierachy of who eats first etc dominating other animals and he may not have been eating properly...Bloated in an adult could haave meant eggs that could not come out in a baby many conditions.....let us know some particulars so we can try to sort it out for you or at least give some ideas....Lyn


::My iguana iguana has been found dead this morning. He was eating fine and the only thing i noticed was he would sneeze and there was substantial amount of colorless watery liquid coming out of his mouth. He has been eating fine (greens, melon, strawberries) and seen to drink water which has been treated with Biotize wast degrader and Aquatize water conditioner from Exoterra. The other 3 Iguanas are doing fine. I am trying to find out why he died and if the liquid coming out of his mouth is important. His body was soft and severly bloated and looks like he suffocated from intense swelling of his airway. Any ideas?


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