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Re: For Brian-SFCRC

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Posted by oregonlizardlady on April 08, 2003 at 14:47:00:

In Reply to: Re: For Brian-SFCRC posted by Brian-SFCRC on April 07, 2003 at 19:17:40:


:Sounds like a great enclosure! You can still do the waterfall-by making your own! You can purchase a waterfall pump in the Garden section of a hardware store and create a waterfall using secured layered rocks and a designed pool. you can arrange it so that the pump is hidden behind the rocks. Or check certain pet shops (ie Petsmart). I have seen different size waterfalls complete that would work in your enclosure.

:Best of luck and don't hesitate to write again if you need any addition help.


::Well the cage that my husband got was made by a friend. It is 6 feet tall, 4 feet long, and 3 feet deep. It has the normal box type fraim and 3 storys inside. Each level has a large door and the intire thing is coverd with screen. After im done painting it im going to line the whole inside of it with plastic ivy vines. I was also thinking about getting some sort of water fall to put in there. I can't seem to find any water fall systems that will be big enough. My husband makes funiture and is going to get some nice wood branches to put in there too. Im sure ozzy will be glad to be moving out of his 20 gallon long soon. I have been hand feeding him latly and he really likes it. Now every time i pic him up he bites on my fingers looking for food. This little guy will be a year old in june.


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