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Posted by zelda on April 06, 2003 at 13:22:04:

In Reply to: THE ONE RULE OF THUMB ALMOST NO-ONE posted by IGUANA JOE on April 05, 2003 at 22:17:53:

Well Iguana Joe, that is just Mr. Hatfields opinion. I currently own 4 igs, have had and rehoused a bunch in a rescue sort of situation and would take another in a heartbeat. Some males should only be kept in a 1 ig household, but my girls all reside together without a problem and my male just watches intently with no nasty effects.

:I don't know about you folks, but I heard since the 90's from people, websites, and even a reputable book a rule of thumb every iguana owner should follow: One Iguana Per Household!

:Boy were they wrong! Hahahahaha! How many do you have Flavia? And you Jane? And the rest of you people here (cycluras and cteno's inculded)?

:I was re-reading Hatfield's book (for the Nth time) and came accross pages 152 and 153. I just LMAO!

:If good ol' James here knew and read how many some of you folks keep, he'd be going "Oops" and revise his book (that so many of us still read religiously).

:Just thought u'd get a kick outta this.


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