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gawd, do I have to teach you everything?..... a solution...

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Posted by Rattler456 on April 14, 2003 at 11:54:01:

In Reply to: Suck and swallow posted by birdznfrogs on April 05, 2003 at 19:41:25:

its EASY to start a siphon without sucking.

submerge a hose/tube in water so its completely filled with water, no air. hold your finger over both ends. stick one end under water, stick the other end outside lower than the water level. take your fingers off the ends, poof, it starts running automatically.

a variation for people with big fishtanks:

hook the hose up to a spigot, stick the other end in the tank

turn the hose on, so the water starts filling the tank, immediately unscrew the hose from the faucet, the water will start flowing in reverse. (It works on the same principle as the one above, the spigot fills the hose with water then unscrewing the hose from the spigot is like taking your finger off the end.)

I use a 75 foot hose to drain water out of a 55 gallon fish tank, although I have a good set of lungs, I don't think I can suck-start that siphon. ( although I'd like to meet someone who can LOL )

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