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Touche' Jeff!!

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Posted by Les4toads on May 07, 2003 at 23:30:49:

In Reply to: Touche' Jeff!! posted by chuckelliott on May 07, 2003 at 21:00:35:

:I agree, nobody wants to see animals go extinct. I believe private ownership and capitolism work best,look at dogs and cats they willnever become extinct because egocentric people own, feed and care for them. I'm not familiar with the plight of several species of HLs but I can tell you the the desert, short horn and coastal will never go extinct. The range is huge. Much of the habitat is inaccessible to humans and when one is removedfromthe wild for greedy purposes, it gets replaced through a wild breeding population just as deer and elk do.
:Just my two cents, Chuck

:Chuck, your analysis falls way short of anything scientific or logical. What data are you using to conclude the range of the horned lizards you mention is huge? Historical range, to some degree, is large. Actual range is something else. If the horned lizards have uniform distribution in the "huge" range you describe, there would not be an issue of habitat loss. But horned lizards do not have uniform population distribution. The Shorthorned Lizard does not have uniform distribution from below sealevel in Death Valley to 10,000 feet or higher, or on inclines of 45 degree slopes or greater. The Desert Horned Lizard is not found at elevations of 7,000 feet or higher, or in dense forest. Coast Horned Lizards are not found in Sonoran Desert, Mojave Desert or Chihuahuan Desert because their ecological and biological requirements are not met.

:You compare cat and dogs to reptiles? How do you compare mammals to reptiles? Do you know the numbers of abandoned dogs and cats that are reported every year? How many of these animals are euthanized every year because of irresponsible pet owners? Do you know the damage done by this kind of activity? Feral cats and dogs cause great amounts of damage in "open space" and "protected areas" and wildlife reserves. Find a different argument. Your capitalism and private ownership is not valid.

:You need to know a lot more about biology and ecology before you can argue a valid issue.

:Lester G. Milroy III

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