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Judge, Jury, and Executioner......

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Posted by kerry on February 18, 2002 at 15:18:43:

In Reply to: Re: Sure, anything you say...... posted by John on February 18, 2002 at 11:36:12:

" I don't care what you do. "

>>> Doesn't sound like it to me...

" I don't need your pics, there are plenty of Gila pics on the internet, and if I really want to see a Heloderma, I can go pic up my 2 beaded lizards. "

>>> Good for you, but you don't need to pick them up to see them, or are you as near sighted as your thinking.

" And if you went away all together, thats fine too. "

>>> Uh... I think you've addressed this already, remember?

" The forum won't be any different, I'll just be spared your derogatory comments and your inflated ego. "

>>> Your almost right, the forum will be a little different, It'll be minus the benefit of my positive experience amd contributions. And speaking of contributions, where have yours been, or is this the extent of what you have to offer... criticism? As for YOU being spared my lightly sarcastic but meant to be harmless tone and what you percieve to be inflated egotism in my "input"(I've "been there" and "done that", I can "talk the talk" 'cause I've "walked the walk"), it sounds more like YOU are the one that needs to find something else to do, knowwhatImean???

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