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This is where you "hit the nail on the head"......

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Posted by kerry on January 07, 2002 at 16:40:03:

In Reply to: Re: Purity posted by kearley on January 07, 2002 at 05:05:06:

......"My problem was that I had seen pictures of animals that were documented as cinctum that I would have thought were suspectum and vise a versa. Even individuals within my collection are an area of debate. Some would say that within capticity today that there is little representation of "true" subspecies differences due to indiscriminate breeding and no "truly" known locality data from founding stock. In other words did it occur from and intergrade zone or not."......

It's nice to see someone else show a little more "Objectivity".

Q: What does "Documented" mean regarding purity of their claim as to subspecies?
A: Almost nothing without locality data and a clear pedigree from a legal source such as a Zoo or other Institution (rarely if ever do individuals possess this information).

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