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Do you have any other snakes?

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Posted by peteralbrian on April 23, 2003 at 15:32:49:

In Reply to: Do you have any other snakes? posted by meretseger on April 22, 2003 at 16:42:18:

i was reading on the boa forum or phyton forum about this guys whose large albino expensive gravid snake died within a few hours of the first manifestations. thiss guys was some sort of vet and made an autopsy and found out that it had a pumonary embolus ( bloackage of blood to the lungs).

if the snake died so quickly it unlikely that it was an infection and so its unlikely that it was infectious. infections usually at slow and have signs . take care in disposing and cleaing after the animal just in case if you have more reptiles. its hard to lose and animal you care for no matter the species.

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