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Male and female plated lizard pics...

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Posted by peregrinefalcon on April 16, 2003 at 17:50:23:

In Reply to: Re: Sudan plated lizard posted by Sudan_Plated on April 15, 2003 at 07:29:25:


and male...

Notice the "comb" is longer in the male then in the female. Keep in mind these are not the same species, the top one is a giant plated (Gerrhosaurus validus) and the bottom one is a four-lined plated (Zonosaurus quadrilineatus). This method can be used for almost all plateds but do not think this is a rule, males can also have small pores and females have long ones etc. But it is more common for the male's to be longer. And no I don't have a pair and haven't bred any yet, though I hope to in the future!

:Yes, some pics would be nice thanks. Do you have a male and a female? Any luck on breeding? I heard that is quite hard to breed these reptiles and that most of the ones that are bought in pet stores are caught straight from the wild.


::Males have what looks like a comb of femoral pores behind each back leg, the female's are smaller or absent. The pores are the same as in giant plated lizards, I can show you a pic of my female's pores if you want.

:::Hi everybody!
::: Anyone know how to tell the difference between male\female sudan plated lizard? Anybody else have one?



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