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Cresteds are AWESOME!

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Posted by Erika on April 28, 2003 at 21:31:25:

In Reply to: Crested Gecko information... posted by breen7 on April 28, 2003 at 20:08:23:

Hey there!
My boyfriend and I have 3 cresteds, they are so great! If I were you I would totally get a crested! They are easy to take care of and so much fun to watch. As for the size of the tank, I would think that a 10 gallon would be ok for a baby one, but it will definately need a larger tank as it grows. For feeding them, we give them crickets or baby food (fruits) every other day, sometimes for a treat we put some pure honey beside the baby food, they like it. You will have to keep the tank warm and humid. We use a peat moss substrate for the bottom and we have silk ivy vines for them to hang in. We also have a fountain, which helps to keep the humidity up instead of spraying the tank every day. ummm...any other questions...just ask!
good luck!

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