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found a garter once

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Posted by genlelow on April 28, 2003 at 22:38:34:

hey all, i usually always post on the kinsnake page, well....cause i have a kingsnake. but anyhow...i found a garter, the first snake i ever had actually(aren't u all glad it was a garter??), and i had hime for a while. it was the end of summer, but i had to let him go by end of september. he was living off of toads from around the pool, so the end of summer it was easy to feed him, cause i just caught the toads from the pool and fed him. but when i went to school after summer, the toads were gone, and i tried feeding him all sorts of things, none of which he ever ate. i tried feeder fish, numerous times, pinkeys, crickets, and lastly, the least expensive toads in the petstore, fire bellied toads. well, needless to say, the fire bellied toads became my new pets, and soon enough i let the garter go before he died in my hands and before it got too cold out. i felt absolutely horrible. i really wish i could ahve gotten him to eat.

has anyone ever come across this in garters?? i think it might have been an eastern garter...but since i don't know too much about garters...i can't say and i honestly dont' remeber. plus, he shed once while i had him, and i still have is sentimental to me cause he was my first snake...

ok, i am rambling....

thanx in advance for any responses


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