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Re: genetics

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Posted by Brian Macker on April 10, 2003 at 07:44:12:

In Reply to: genetics posted by NAHerps on April 09, 2003 at 20:06:27:

There are less blondes in the world because it's a trait that is adaptive for low light conditions, like found in extreme northern europe. These are localized weather conditions.

Both examples you gave are localized. There are plenty of blondes in Sweden. There are no blondes popping up in China or Africa.

Redheads may be similar but I don't know much about it. That is mostly an Irish thing. Might be adaptation to local conditions also. I have noticed a correlation between redheads and intense freckling. Might be the freckling that is the adaptive trait and the red hair a side effect.

There are many genes that are lethal or detrimental in double doses that are locally common because the hapliod variety is superior as disease defense. For example sickle cell. If the double dose was not detrimental then I imagine it would be even more common.

:bye the way, Brian Macker, recessive traits are often less common in the wild because they only are exhibited if the creature carries two recessives, while it will show a dominant trait with just one dominant. therefore, there are less redheads and blondes in the world not because they are slaughtered at an early age, but because they are recessive traits. Or, maybe they are killed. j/k.

: ME ;)

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