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Re: Found an interesting snake...

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Posted by ssssnakeluvr on March 28, 2003 at 02:06:31:

In Reply to: Found an interesting snake... posted by snakeguy88 on March 27, 2003 at 22:24:18:

It's not unusual for garters to lose tail tips, its not done like lizards tho. A lot of times, they wont lose the skin from the tails when they shed and as they grow this retained skin cuts off circulation and eventually the tail tip will fall off. :Scott (Sepultura4ever) and I went out last week to an abandoned area in Katy, Texas (outside houston). The first mattress we approach looking for a large texas rat we hoped would be around had a large Thamnophis basking on top. I believe it is just another proximus, but this would have to be the largest proximus I have seen. It is quite huge, almost 2 feet or so with a girth of about a quarter size, and it is skinny so technically it should be fatter. Well this thing is SO torn up. The tail actually fell off when we caught it, but I find that many water snakes do this as well and so I believe it was this "tail shedding" act that we witnessed. The tail actually did not come off all the way and I had to amputate the rest of it. This snake though, besides that, is extremely worn out. The entire belly is full of scars and is almost rough to the touch. Never seen a snake with so many injuries before. I will try to get pics up soon. Andy

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