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Re: Cage size vs. # of snakes.

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Posted by serplover on February 13, 2003 at 19:32:06:

In Reply to: Re: Cage size vs. # of snakes. posted by ladysharon on February 13, 2003 at 11:22:00:

I honestly think having cats anywhere NEAR serp cages or enclosures is a BAD idea. It's a terrible stress on the snakes, not to mention "teasing" the cat. I know some people will swear that their lil' pussy cat "loves the snakes, and just look at how cute they look so close together!" I've even seen pictures people took of their dogs or cats "playing" with their snakes. Then unfortunately one day, Fido or Kitty whom were supposedly either bored or so compatible with the snake ended up killing it. Again the stress of having a dog/cat constantly around or especially ON TOP of the enclosure could in itself be enough to cause health problems for the snake(s) especially a nervous, high-strung species such as Thamnophis. A snake may not even show "signs" of much stress, but that doesn't mean it's not experiencing stress. Also keep in mind that most attacks from predators of snakes come from ABOVE, thus the reason why alot of snakes (even CB) are a little jumpy when the tops of tanks & enclosures are being opened. And most importantly despite the stories you hear of people "...doing everything including sleeping with my snakes and they just LOVE IT..." and all the "designer colors" people are coming up with ,snakes are NOT domesticated animals! They have millions of years of survival instinct and knowledge that we have yet to write in books and are barely BEGINNING to understand. And all the love and care in the world won't win a snakes' love. Just put it down anywhere and see what happens. It doesn't care about you, in fact the best you'll get from your snake is usually an accepted tolerance that most of us well-meaning humans misinterpret as love!

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