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Questions about cage size and conditions

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Posted by griffinej5 on April 22, 2003 at 16:37:18:

I am pretty sure I am getting a frillie in a few months, so i've been reading a bunch of caresheets. There are just a few things that aren't entirely clear to me.
For my cage, i'm going to start it out in a 20 long tank. I know it'll have to move within a couple of months. I'll start building as soon as I am sure i'm getting it, and when I put the doors on my beardie cages. I'm going to build a shelf type cage to begin. The entire dimensions will be 6hx4wx2d. The two animals will not be together, but in on deck of the cage(probably top) I am going to probably put a beardie. The section for the frillie will be 4hx4wx2d. The beardie is my friend's, a year or so after I would get the frillie she will be taking her beardie back. At which point I will make a few modifications and give the section for the beardie to the frillie, making the cage height 6ft. Would the 4ft cage height be alright for a year or so? Do my dimensions sound alright?
With my beardies I really don't need to worry about humidity, but it seems from some of what i've read here that it could be an issue with a frillie. I can't seem to find any numbers in caresheets. What should it be, or is it something I don't need to worry much about?
My last questions involve feeding. I know when it's young it'll be mostly crickets, but as it gets older, can I move more towards super worms. Anything else interesting that people are feeding that I might want to give a try? I give my beardies repcal pellets, and they really like them. Would it be alright to give the frillie a few as treats?
Thanks for answering all the questions.

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