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Wanting to get some Frills?

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Posted by raccaboo on December 26, 2002 at 21:14:32:

I have been planning on getting some frills for awhile now. I even have mealworm and roach colonies going for them and my other reptiles.
I will get one or two 3-4 week olds and set them up in 10 gallon aquariums. I'm gonna get a 10 gallon that I can set on the side so they can climb.
I plan on using a uv bulb and a 75 watt heat lamp for the heat, with the hot spot around 110F-115F. I will have a water dish feed dish branches for them to climb on with newspaper substrate I will probably also put a humid hide in if I can.

I will build probably a 4x4x4 size for when there adults later on.

Can they handle temps in the 70's at nightime or do they need to be heated over 80 constantly?
How fast do they grow? How long before they will out grow there 10 gallon and later on a 60 gallon?

Sorry for so much I just love frills and reptiles so much, and want to make sure everything is good.

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