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Re: Can someone help me with new frilleds

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Posted by Jamie on August 19, 2002 at 13:39:10:

In Reply to: Re: Can someone help me with new frilleds posted by MysticHerps on August 18, 2002 at 22:21:04:

Well I have had them for 10 days, my male finally ate on his own but he won't eat anywhere except on my couch...the temp is 85 on the basking side and 75 on the cooler side...I have a huge shallow waterdish in there as well I spray them and they always drink right from the sprayer. I can't get them to eat crickets just pinkies right now

:How long did you have them before you started force feeding them ? what are the temps ? what hydration are you using IE spraying them, bowl, what ?



::I just got my first pair of sub-adult frilleds and they won't eat on there own...the people I was buying them off seemed like they knew what they where talking about and said they are cb. They are friendly but lathargic and show no interest in eating on their own. I am force feeding them pinkies and they eat only with help, they never reject the food once I give it to them. Can anyone give me advice


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