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Bedding for rats?

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Posted by FroggieB on May 01, 2003 at 11:07:09:

In Reply to: Bedding for rats? posted by Tegan on May 01, 2003 at 10:39:19:

From my experience of keeping rats & mice in a basement room with poor ventilation the rabbit pellets or Gentle Touch work the best. I can go up to 10 days with minimal odor. Gentle Touch is a pelleted aspen litter for cats & small animals. I actually had a dog that was trained to use it. I also use the Gentle touch for my snakes. I had problems with a corn that got spinters in its mouth with shavings so I avoid that. Gentle Touch isn't available in all areas either. I tried alfalfa pellets once and that really cut the odor but it was dusty and some of my rats had a problem with the dust. Besides, my house sort of smelled like a barn ; )

Along with this I use a product called Bi-odor. It comes in a pump bottle. I have run anywhere from 2-4 mouse tubs and 2-5 rat tubs at any one time and have mimimal odor. A 32oz bottle costs $30 but I have been using the same bottle for over 14 months and am just now starting to get low.

I am sure you will get some other feedback on this, some probably telling you to search the forum, which you may want to do too as there a several posts on this topic.


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