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Swiss Websters ~ Champion Chewers

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Posted by sasheena on April 07, 2003 at 23:21:39:

Well my Swiss Webster colony is going great. Except that they've destroyed about 8 cages altogether. My small rack bins, my large rack bins, my small critter keepers, my large ones. They don't go very far, are usually hanging out on top of their cage as if to say that they are proud of their accomplishment. the only time I've ever had them NOT return to their cage was when ANOTHER escaped mouse (been chasing it for a week) found the chewed through lid of their cage and took up residence. Thus the swissies were left wandering all around my mouse room, looking lost and afraid. Anyone else have this problem with Swissies? They are also not nearly as prolific as I was led to believe. AND if those mice are afraid of heights, then I'm mother goose. Little buggers climb every bit of cage furniture i give them in their 10-gallon aquarium (the only cage they can't chew their way out of). Silly critters.

If anyone has had both Swissies and ICR, how would you all compare them? I have one ICR mouse, and started with 2.4 swiss websters. The ICR has shown herself as much more fertile and consistant than the swissies. Teh swiss websters have eaten litters, been sterile and a number of other problems.

Anyway, with the disputes of the day hopefully sinking into oblivion, I thought I would see if anyone else had any comments about swiss websters and ICR mice. And before you ask, I did get them from a lab mouse supplier. (Simonsen Labs, in Gilroy California, they're shipping me a new male swiss webster to replace the sterile one)


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