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Reptile Symposium Ontario Canada

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Posted by Grant on February 24, 2002 at 08:11:13:

Ontario Reptile Symposium
June 22, 2002
Hosted By Port Credit Pet Centre and the Ontario Herpetological Society

The Symposium will take place on June 22nd, 2002 at the Army, Navy and Air Force Club on Third St. Mississauga. Starting at 10 AM, guest speakers will be presenting talks and slide presentations on various topics up to 6 PM. After the formal talks we will be hosting an evening social for those that wish to speak one on one with the speakers or just attend to meet up with some great attendees. The last symposium was in 1998 and since then has been sincerely missed within the local herp community. Through a team effort we are now presenting some of the most recognized speakers in North America. As other speakers confirm, we will be updating the list.

To date speakers include:
Local monitor keeper Ravi Thakoordyal. Ravi's web site The Monitor Spot is one of the leading info sites for any beginner or long-term keeper of monitors. He will be sharing some of his experiences and comments along with a fabulous slides presentation of some beautiful monitors. He will also share with us a wonderful surprise….
The Monitor Spot

Another great legendary keeper from Ontario Dave Lasham. Dave has kept reptiles for as long as most present day herpers have been walking. His passion has always been working with Gila's. Dave's success includes consecutive years of breeding these mysterious and wonderful creatures. Through some great media means he will be presenting his efforts on a species that many keepers one day hope to add to their respective collections.

From our southerly neighbors, we will be honored to host some of the most recognized names within the reptile world.

Bill Lamar, the founder and CEO of GreenTracks, has spent nearly half his life in the tropics. He is a gifted field naturalist and great traveling companion. After graduating from Rhodes College with a double major in anthropology and biology, Bill was offered a post with the Smithsonian Environmental program in Colombia where he spent nearly five years working as a herpetologist at the National University, under renowned authority Federico Medem, conducting research on crocodiles and turtles.
Returning to the US to complete graduate studies, Bill has been a zoo curator and is an adjunct Professor of Biology at the University of Texas, Tyler. Bill is a research associate at two museums: UT Arlington and University of Kansas, and Associate Herpetologist at the National Serpentarium in San Jose, Costa Rica. He is the co-author of the widely acclaimed Cornell University Press book, The Venomous Reptiles of Latin America and author of the award winning The World's Most Spectacular Reptiles & Amphibians.

Green Tracks

In addition to introducing the eco-tourist to the tropics, Bill's expertise has been sought by the media. He recently served as logistics advisor to a National Geographic team preparing an article on tarantulas, and he worked as consultant on the award-winning Discovery Channel documentary on piranhas. He has been featured in films made by the BBC, National Geographic, the Canadia Broadcasting Company, and the Discovery Channel. Currently, Bill can be seen on the Wild Discovery specials "Anaconda" and "Lethal and Dangerous. Latin America's most venomous snakes."
Whether it's reptiles, bugs, fish, or birds, Bill and the guides he has trained are prepared to welcome you to the wonderful world of tropical biology. Bill is an accomplished wildlife photographer whose images have graced book and magazine covers.
"I cannot think of anyone with a greater overall knowledge of the Amazon Basin than Bill Lamar" Dr. James B. Murphy, Curator, Dallas Zoo.

To round off our first entry of speakers we are also bringing to Canada the original bushmaster breeder Dean Ripa.
Dean Ripa has changed the way we look at bushmasters. Once thought to be a single species, in 1994 he challenged this idea with morphological and geographic evidence. Today, with the Mt-DNA work of Zamudio and Greene (1997), Ripa's theory has been accepted and the bushmasters are now recognized as three distinct species.
Dean Ripa has collected snakes in the distant backwaters of 35 countries. Over a decade before snake-wrangling emcees on TV made international careers in front of cameras, stage crews and first-aid "safety nets", Dean Ripa was catching deadly snakes alone in remote places, far from medical help and human settlement, bringing his captures back to America alive and unharmed, studying their life habits and reproducing them in captivity. Dean's adventures so captivated famous author William S. Burroughs (Naked Lunch) that he immortalized some of Dean's experiences in his final novel, The Western Lands. "Dean Ripa. . ." he wrote, "could have stepped from a novel by Joseph Conrad."

Collecting 2 m Bothrops asper (Costa Rica).

His many field captures include: king cobras, spitting cobras, forest cobras, mambas, kraits, gaboon and rhinoceros vipers, terciopelos, fer-de-lances, numerous other lance-head species, all three species of bushmasters and dozens of others.
Today, Dean Ripa maintains the largest and most complete collection of bushmasters in the world, and is the major supplier of captive-born bushmasters to the international zoo and research market. You may have seen him and some of his snakes on the Discovery Channel's "The Ultimate Guide to Snakes."

From the Global Gecko Association, Neil Meister will be presenting his talk on Uroplatus. Advanced keeping of these fabulous lizards. More information to follow.

Tickets are LIMITED....NO B.S. They are going to sell out once we list our final speakers in the next few days!!!!

Ticket Prices:
Purchased Before April 07, 2002 .......$50.00 per person
Purchased after April 08, 2002 ...........$65.00 per person
Members in good standing of any reptile clubs in Canada will receive a $5.00 discount from their ticket purchase.
Members in good standing of any reptile clubs in Canada will receive a $5.00 discount from their ticket purchase. Ticket price includes admission to the symposium and participation in all door prize draws, after symposium social and other great events taking place during the symposium. For more ticket info or speaker sponsorship please contact Grant at Port Credit Pet Centre (905) 274-8018 or or Steve President of the OHS at Tickets are on a first-come, first-serve basis.

P.S. Dont forget the reptile expo is the following day June 23rd, so make it a whole weekend for the family....

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