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Ban on Keeping reptiles in the UK

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Posted by Stevie (UK) on April 20, 2002 at 16:19:20:

In Reply to: RSPCA CAMPAIGN TO BAN REPTILE KEEPING IN THE EU. posted by Chris Newman on April 11, 2002 at 13:40:44:

My experience of these things, is that they take a long time to pass though the Government proceedures and we as a reptile community can probably do quite a lot to have a say in the law but we do need to make a noise, otherwise it could pass through un-noticed. Do we know which MP or party if any has submitted an early day motion???

First and foremost, RSPCA or any other body are going to find this very hard to police and any suggestion from a reputable reptile or animal welfare group could perhaps influence the Government decision makers either way.

Quite what the reasoning behind this is, I do not know. There are probably as many poorly treated domesticted pets and horses as reptiles. Maybe candy has something to say on reptile rescue?

Great that you have brought this to our attention now whilst there is still time to do something. Maybe our MPs can find out more, I think those with the most sway will be those that have a livlihood to lose.

I for one have kept Tortoises for over 30 years and don't plan to stop just yet. If your mag want's to run a campaign, we're right behind you.

Stevie's Mum

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