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"Herp Vet Connection"

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Posted by sue1 on March 06, 2001 at 10:03:09:

We are looking for personally recommended vets for the "Herp Vet Connection".If anyone has a vet that they've found to be good with herps and would like to recommend their vets,we would love to have you submit them.This is a site that only takes the herpers opinion of vets,not the vets themselves.
Please feel free to check out our site and consider recommending your herp vet.
Our HVC team has been busily plunking away at the site.
- remodeling HVC cosmetically and functionally. We've modified the Vet Recommendation form to support non-USA areas. We've also added a Vet Modification form in case someone wanted to submit additional comments to a currently listed vet or to let us know that a Vet has moved or that incorrection informaton has been posted. We try out best to verify incoming information to the best of our ability. We've also added a Banners page, if people wish to link to us. If you have terrific (clean, sharp, crisp) images of your herps that you'd like to be a candidate for future banners or other graphic ideas, please email the HVC Team (there's an email link at the bottom of the page). Our graphics person (Joan's wonderful husband) will select at his discretion, and you would be given credit on our credits page. Please also include the name of the herp submitted! Thanks to everyone who have submitted their recommendations and for linking to us! HVC wouldn't exist without your support! *appreciative headbobs*
Joan, Sue, Des & Walt

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