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heating a 55 gallon tank

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Posted by Dragon Master on April 29, 2003 at 12:05:14:

In Reply to: heating a 55 gallon tank posted by BTG on April 26, 2003 at 10:57:31:

:I was yhinking of getting a under tank heaterto keep it warm. during the day and at night would that be a good idea or not.

I won't say it's a bad idea unless youget careless w/the electricity. I will say that it may be a waste of electricity

as dragons sleep up in trees rather than on the ground. You may use a small one for the pond and place books on the bottom of the rest of the tank to keep it level. I aslo will say usiing a Powersun for a 55 gal is not only risky as the heat may break the glass of the aquarium, plus misting the cage can be iffy if the Powersun is too close. Mecury vapors blow up REAL GOOD when water gets on them or when they get broken. You know what happens when you blast a fluorescent tube on the pavement? A mercury vapor is that X 10. I would save the Powersun for when you get a large enclosure, such as my 5'Lx5'Hx2.5'D. That's what they're meant for. That way, you can place the basking spot 1- 2 feet away(at least 1.5 feet) from the bulb. Plus, suspending a bulb above a small cage X feet can also be dangerous to you as can the sun. Plus it can be a waste of electricity as some of the light/heat can escape. For the 55 gal, I would recommend the incandescent light plus a REptisun 5.0. When you get the larger size cage, Then you can safely use the Powersun.

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