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Re: Free Roaming

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Posted by Matthew W. on April 03, 2003 at 07:59:47:

In Reply to: Free Roaming posted by SBM on April 02, 2003 at 22:17:01:

Hi Mark,

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you so I'd really be interested in reading some expert responses. Petros just turned 6 months old yesterday and we've been trying to potty train him since he's been with us (At a little over 4 1/2 months old). Since one or both of us are usually here during any given day we leave Petros' cage open so he can roam the room and go back to his cage if he wants. Every morning Petros will come out of his cave and climb around the cage until we open it up. Once we do he will climb out and we put him in his potty (A cat litter pan lined with paper towel) where he almost always immediately poops. This works just about everyday unless we aren't here to let him out and then he'll go in his cage but only as a last resort. So far it's working very well but I still think he's too young to learn to go to the potty himself without our help. I'm just hopping that by making him go in the box everyday that when he is old enough he will want to go in the same place he has been going sine he's been here. As I said I too would like to read some responses to this post!


:I have a six month old hybrid Grand Cayman that I am trying to potty train so that he may free roam my room. I am having mixed results and could use some help. I started this process a little after 4 and a half months old. Is he too young to affectively train him? He is relatively calm with me and will sit on my shoulders each day without problem. He tends to get skittish when I pick him up whenever I let him free roam my room. In addition, I am looking for a similar aged female to acquire sometime in the future. Thanks for your help and have a great day.
:Mark (

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