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Posted by Krystal19_85 on May 03, 2003 at 15:45:43:

In Reply to: tile posted by chris_harper2 on May 03, 2003 at 14:07:29:

I definitly see your concerns with the tile, but I really like the idea. If I do use epoxy, could I use a thin coat over the tile and grout (would it hold to the tile?)

we would be using CDX plywood my dad says.

:The walls and ceiling could be coated with oil-based poly. The cage exterior could be coated with either water or oil-based poly.

I really want to use the Epoxy, even if it may be a bit much for my purpose, but I would rather have the durability and have it last for a life time, and also I like the look and feel. Eventually I may use the cages for something else (not for some time, and of course with allot of cleaning) so I feel the Enviro Epoxy (or something close to it) would be best. As for the outside, I will probably just prime and paint that with high gloss paint.

:I'm a bit confused as to what you want, but get the impression that your first choice is to keep the wood grain if possible and use a very durable clear coat.

Color and wood grain,ect... aren't a concern at all I am function over looks anyday. (All though I might do some art on the outside and inside BEFORE I epoxy them)

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