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Anyone using Vision V221 cages & stacking them??

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Posted by jfmoore on April 24, 2003 at 15:42:16:

In Reply to: Anyone using Vision V221 cages & stacking them?? posted by tcdrover on April 24, 2003 at 11:27:20:

Hi tc –

I use Vision 211’s (24”W x 22”D x 14”H) stacked five cages high, not 221’s (28”H x 24”D x 12”H) pictured above, but the dimensions are close enough.

>>Does the heat pad from the top cage actually touch the plastic top of the cage underneath?

That depends on how large your heat pad is and how you orient it. If you lay your heat pad across the long dimension of the upper cage, it will make contact with the ridges (which run from front to back) of the lower cage, unless the pad is very small. Those ridges are one inch wide. Most people want to establish a heat gradient, so you probably wouldn’t want to put the pad between the ridges in the middle of the cage. To establish a gradient from side to side, you can put the pad at either end from front to back. In that case, it will make contact with the top front to back edge of the lower cage.

I attach heat pads to the top of the lower cage, not the upper one as you’re describing it. Actually, for these smaller Visions, I usually run the heat down the side or back of an entire stack of cages, but I’m not entirely satisfied with that method. It is easier to establish a heat gradient in these smaller cages with belly heat than with overhead heat panels or with heat tape down the exterior of the cage.

>>The temps on the lower cage are probably going to be much higher right?

It depends on how many cages you have stacked and if you’re using one controller, more than one controller, or no controller at all. In general, the middle cages have the higher temps. If you’re talking about only 2 cages, each with the same size heat pad underneath and one or no controller, then yes, the temperatures in the lower one will be somewhat higher.

As long as you use a heat controller of some sort you needn’t worry about overheating the heat pad, the cage or the animals.


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