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You're right, I should have mentioned that. Wasn't thinking.

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Posted by BrianSmith on May 04, 2003 at 16:24:40:

In Reply to: Mine do.... posted by tango on May 04, 2003 at 15:45:16:

:That's fine- I wouldn't have said anything had you mentioned they are crossed. I breed rabbits as well. I cross my NZ to Flemish to get larger offspring. :It's not only possible that they are crossed, it's a certainty. I intentionally crossbreed my females to other large breeds like french lop males to produce even larger offspring. Something about the "hybridization" just seems to make even larger rabbits than either parent. But my rabbits certainly are not "fat". They are fed only the finest diets and are even provided only filtered water to avoid any ingestion of city water contaminants or polutants that could then be passed to the snakes. To add to this all feed animals live in large pens and get ample exercise. So,... fat rabbits? Not a chance.

:::unless they are crossed with something heavier like a Flemish or are overweight, which would be unhealthy for your constrictors. :
:::::Here is a pic of the rabbit before and after..





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