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This is mostly untrue

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Posted by BrianSmith on April 18, 2003 at 00:06:16:

In Reply to: Something that might be of use>>>more posted by highlander1 on April 16, 2003 at 22:45:10:

This is absolutely not true. Snakes do NOT strike and wrap on anything that "smells unusual" or different. They only will grab and wrap on something when they actually think it is food. My theory is that after years of smelling Lysol just prior to being fed that she directly associated the Lysol scent with eating. The only thing here that I would agree with is to not use Lysol or any other scent. I have been keeping large python species since the mid 70's and have never seen what is described here, snakes striking and wrapping things because they smell "unusual". lol

:Is not to use the lysol on your arm in the future(if thats what you are doing to get her out).If you've only been doing it recently or have been doing it for awhile then thats more than likely what triggered the bite.Snakes arent dumb animals,even the slightest difference in scent can trigger a bite (not only rat/mice scents) but unusual smelling scents as well.Considering that lysol just absolutely has a horrid smell to it,if i was her i would've bit you too.Most snakes will strike at unfamiliar smells,surroundings,people,etc.its not necessarily a feeding response but a defensive response.
: She could possibly have been hungry but unless it was a small rabbit then i doubt it.Wash your hands and arms thoroughly before trying to handle her and see if that dont change the attitude.Snake hooks come in handy but if you know your snake really well and can adjust accordingly to their movements, chances of a biting sequel are going to be slim.I'm by no means an expert but i have ben keeping large snakes for the last 7 years and have only been bit once by a baby blood python by going with my routine.Not saying you should follow it but just an option that works for me.Regards Bill McLeod

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