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Posted by jcherry on April 07, 2003 at 17:05:57:

In Reply to: BREEDING ???? posted by murph on April 07, 2003 at 15:47:19:


Last year we hatched over 2000 young and do not use an incubator. For colubrid eggs it really is normally required, with some of the pythons and lizards it is, but not with colubrids. Check around your house and I bet you can find an area that will maintain at around the required 80 - 84 degrees. Check places like closets (This is what we use) , on top of the fridge etc.

As far as feeding suppplements, it is nor something that is done on a normal basis with colubrids either as the other poster has said. There has been some discussion about calcium supplements for snakes that have a tendency toward kinking etc( grey band people are one of the groups of folks are trying it on thier animals), but it has not been proven out really yet. With pits, I have never had a problem as long as the rodents were fed whole and were raised on a balanced diet. One reason why I pay a little more for my mice and rats from a man that feeds lab diet as versus grains or dog food as some folks do.

Good Luck I hope that helps,

John Cherry
Cherryville Farms

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